All Donations goto Audrianna's Butterfly Garden and to help start the Audrianna's Foundation

Savings Account for Audrianna where donations can be Made
M&T Bank
50 Laurel Mall
Hazle Township, PA 18202
(570) 450-7830

F*CK CANCER T-Shirts can be purchased for $18 with shipping for sizes s-xxl and $20 for 3x or 4x just click the paypal button!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sisterly Love

Audrianna is a a Great big Sister! Her little sister Kyra just turned 2 on march 7th and they are the best of friends.Whenever we have to go away to the hospital Audrianna asks for Kyra everyday so we have to call her and go on webcam so they can see each other. Kyra wakes up every morning and says Where's Audri. They are 22 months apart and people ask me all the time if they are twins because Kyra is the same size(and have to be dressed exactly alike or it causes HUGE fights) as Audrianna now since her sister hasnt really grown very much in the last year.We are going to be heading back to the Hospital on March 29th for a week for Audrianna's first dose of the ILP Therapy which is a 5 days infusion of medicine and i worry how us leaving is going to affect poor Kyra yet again.Everyone puts all there attention on the child that's sick and we tend to forget the ones that get left behind. I worry everyday that Kyra will grow up to resent her sister and me, but i also pray to god that since she is so small she won't remember much of this!I hope that everyone that Prays for Audrianna to get well will also Pray for her sister to come through this without scars.


  1. Angela, I always include your entire family in my prayers.

  2. Thank You Rose i know You do and i really appreciate it xoxox love ya

  3. Absolutely adorable pix...cant wait to meet your other little girl!!!

  4. It is kind of strange...because our stories are so similar. Katie was diagnosised May 14, 2009. She and her sister are 2.5 years apart. It is so hard to leave one behind when you go to the hospital...and I know that when Laura Beth wakes up she is always looking for her sister...and Katie always asks about her when we are at TCH....but we are doing what we have to do. We just have to live in the moment and love our girls while we have them...near or far. =)

  5. Christa that is so true. You cant cut yourself in half and the sick child needs you so you do what you have to do. My Parents keep Kyra when we goto the hospital so i know she is well loved and taken care of but it doesnt make the mommy guilt any less!!But i do think it does make the Mommy Love stronger!
